Precordial Catch Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

It is a type of chest pain known as precordial catch syndrome (PCS). When the nerves in the front of the chest are squeezed or aggravated, this most commonly occurs in the front part of the chest.

Texidor’s twitch is another name for precordial catch syndrome. Children and adolescents are the most common victims of this disorder.

This isn’t a life-threatening situation; it’s only going to last a few days. It works by causing a brief burst of sharp pain that has no lasting effect.



Precordial Catch Syndrome Signs and Symptoms

Precordial catch syndrome pain can last anywhere from a few seconds to three minutes on average. When the child is at rest or in a bending position, this is most likely to happen.

A sharp stabbing or needle-like pain can be felt in the chest while inhaling, according to those who have experienced it. An area of your chest directly beneath your left nipple is often the site of the pain.

Taking deep breaths can make the child feel even worse. Pain in this area of the chest does not spread to other parts of the chest, but rather remains in the same place.

This discomfort subsides in the same amount of time that it first appeared, leaving you with only a brief interruption in your day. There is insufficient evidence to support the existence of any additional symptoms or complications.

Precordial Catch Syndrome: What Is It?

There is no evidence to suggest that it has a root cause or issues that are connected to that root cause. The cause of the pain is unknown, but it is not related to the lungs or the heart.

The pleural nerves, which are located on the lining of the lung, may be the source of this pain, according to doctors. Also, the pain may come from the ribs, cartilage, or other connective tissue in the chest wall.

Bad posture, an injury, or a blow to the chest can also cause Precordial catch syndrome. The pain that comes along with this syndrome can also be brought on by a period of rapid growth.

A Precordial Catch Syndrome Diagnosis Is Made By

If you or your child is experiencing this discomfort at any time, seeing a doctor is a sound course of action. A heart or lung emergency will be ruled out by the doctor.

On the basis of medical records, the doctor will conduct a medical background check. The doctor will perform a thorough physical examination of the chest to check for any signs of tenderness or problems with the lungs or heart.

If the pain is accompanied by nausea or a severe headache, you should see a doctor immediately. You may feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing.

Heart attacks and other heart-related issues are possible causes. Depending on the type of pain or syndrome, a specific test will need to be designed by the doctor.

There may be no additional screening or testing after the general checkup. However, if the results are inconclusive, additional tests may be necessary, and your child may be subjected to them.

Is Precordial Catch Syndrome a Risk Factor for Other Health Problems?

Only a mild case of precordial catch syndrome can lead to serious health complications. Some children or parents may become anxious as a result of this.

If the patient has persistent or intermittent chest pain, it may be the result of unanticipated side effects. If everything goes according to plan, the reports that are generated could give you some much-needed peace of mind.

What Is the Treatment for Precordial Catch Syndrome?

As long as the diagnosis of Precordial catch syndrome has been made, there is no further treatment required. Breathing slowly and steadily is recommended from time to time. Pain relievers such as Ibuprofen may be prescribed by your doctor.

Long, deep breaths are generally discouraged because they exacerbate the pain. However, if you take those long, deep breaths with Patience, the discomfort will subside in a matter of minutes rather than hours.

The Precordial catch syndrome is linked to poor posture, so sitting straight and maintaining good posture is advised.


In children and adolescents, the precordial catch syndrome is common. It feels like a short-lived stab in the back of the neck. Having a heart or lung condition does not cause any additional health issues.