Life Hacks How to Get Something Out of Your Eye

Take a look at these six safe ways to get something out of your eye.

It may seem odd to imagine that eyelids and eyelashes are adequate protection for something as delicate and crucial as the eyes.

But the truth is, they are incredibly effective in stopping foreign items from getting into our eyes and inflicting any harm. When something gets into your eye, your eye begins to produce tears to flush it out as quickly as possible.

Life Hacks How to Get Something Out of Your Eye

Most of the time, the system is flawless. Having said that, it can be excruciatingly painful if it doesn’t. If you don’t remove something that’s lodged in your eyes properly, you could injure yourself. How to remove dirt and debris from your eyes without putting your vision at risk is here.


1. Hand Sanitation

The first thing you should do if you discover that something is lodged in your eye is to flush it out. It’s common knowledge that our hands are full of germs, and the eye area is particularly vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Wash your hands well before handling your eyes to prevent infection. What you need to do is:

  • Wet your hands with water before proceeding.
  • For the next 20 seconds, use your hands to scrape and rub together.
  • Afterwards, wash your hands. Then pat them dry with a towel.

It’s done. Once the thing is out of your eye, you can focus on getting it. As a precaution, if you wear contact lenses, remove them from the eye in question as soon as you finish washing your hands. A ruptured contact lens can also produce this sense of something being in the eye.

2: Check Your Reflection.

To find the object, stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room and open your eyes with your clean hands. You may need to take this step if you don’t know what’s in your eye and need to figure it out.

Be careful, and don’t forget to pull your lower lid down and lift your higher lid to see if the object has gotten lodged in there, as well. Remove the thing with your fingertips if it is small enough and in the right place inside the eye. The problem is that it isn’t always possible to do this.

You run the risk of injuring your eye if you attempt this if the object is not easily accessible. Additional advice: Ask a friend or family member for support. There’s a chance the individual can spot the danger more quickly and take action to eliminate it. Before somebody touches your face, be sure they’ve washed their hands well.

3. Don’t Rub Your Eyes, Just Blink.

When something becomes trapped in your eye, your initial instinct may be to wipe your eye in an attempt to remove it.

This can be both annoying and frantic at times. Please don’t do it. If you move your eye in this way, you could injure it even more. Instead, try blinking numerous times in a slow motion.

Most of the time, this natural movement along with the tears created as a defensive mechanism is sufficient to loosen the object and eventually flush it out. Eyelash removal done this way is the safest method available.

4: A Cotton Swab Is A Good Option For Cleaning

If the particle is lodged in the inner portion of your eyelid, a damp cotton swab is your best bet for removing it. Use one finger to hold your eyelid open and gently roll a cotton swab over any debris in your eye. If all goes well, the particle should adhere to the swab.

5. Rinse Your Eyes with Warm Water.

Submerging your eyes in clean water is an option if none of the other techniques work. Washing your eyes safely can be accomplished in the following ways: An eyecup is a small, curved-rimmed cup made exclusively for applying eye drops.

Any pharmacy or drugstore should have it on hand. Place the cup over your eye with your head bowed down and half-fill it with lukewarm water (or eyewash if you have any).

Tilt your head back and apply mild pressure to keep the water from spilling out. Slowly circle your eye to allow the liquid to permeate it completely. It should go without saying, but make sure you wash it thoroughly before using it.

Submerge your head underwater, open your eyes, and perform the circular motions we discussed earlier in a large bowl of lukewarm water. You can also use the sink in the bathroom as an alternative.

Whichever choice you choose, be sure to wash it ahead of time. To test your courage, you can put your eyes under running water while your head is tilted one way in the shower or sink. It does what it’s supposed to. It’s important to keep an eye on the water pressure.

6. Seek Professional Medical Help Immediately

Seeking medical attention right away can be the best course of action in some situations. The following are a few examples of when this might occur:

Because of the rapid speed at which the stuck object hit your eyes, you felt a great deal of agony.
The tangled item has a point (shard of glass, tiny metal piece, etc.).
If the object is a poisonous substance, flush the eye with water for about 20 minutes using one of the procedures indicated above (preferably the one that uses running water).

The pain or abnormal eyesight persists despite your best efforts to remove the foreign object. Treatment by a medical practitioner as soon as possible can mean the difference between having healthy eyes and having irreparable damage.