Dr. Gottlieb Says CDC May Soon Offer Greater Clarity On Who Will Be Eligible for Covid Boosters

Dr. Gottlieb had always been vocal about his opinion. He had spoken about the booster shots and whether it is essential or not a number of times and we have always been there to report that to you guys.

He had spoken about it once again and therefore we are here to update you guys on the booster vaccine news that we are getting from the one and only Dr. Gottlieb. If you do not know who he is then let us fill you in. He is the former food and drug, administration commissioner.

Dr. Gottlieb Says CDC May Soon Offer Greater Clarity On Who Will Be Eligible for Covid Boosters

He had spoken to the news and made it clear that the booster shots are necessary but there had been a little bit of panic among the people thinking about who is eligible and who is not for the booster vaccine.

Dr. Gottlieb had given hope to the public in this regard by saying that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is going to give better and greater clarity to the questions that had been in people’s minds for a greater period of time.

Gottlieb had always been on the board of Pfizer vaccine, he speaks a lot to the public and he had let them know of the meetings that Pfizer is holding with the FDA. “They are known to provide granular guidance to physicians and patients which is not very helpful in the first place. They also interpret the recommendations that are usually going to come out of the Food and Drug Administration,” Gottlieb had said this in the media.

Pfizer is waiting for the final approval for their booster shots. The FDA is at work and they so do have a lot on their plate because of the virus that keeps on changing and creating chaos.

However, everyone is doing their very best in such a situation. We need to have the strength and patience to wait for it. And if you are eligible to be getting the booster vaccine then you should go for it. It will help your immunity only against the coronavirus. We are all in the same boat and in this together.