Change is the only constant in the world. So the initiative taken by tinder is most probably going to change the online dating scene too.
When Tinder announced that they might be adding videos to the users’ profile so that it is not only the still pictures that are going to take the attention of the people, the entire future of the online dating scene changed.
The fact that this change was brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic is astonishing indeed.
During the pandemic and the lockdown that was prevailing all over the world, people could not risk going out on actual dates, and as a result, they went out on virtual dates, and they became more comfortable with the concept of videos.
This was fuelled by the entire life of everyone shifting online, ranging from work to dating.
“That really sets up a situation where Tinder is this iconic brand, but could really become more of a platform and provide experiences and all kinds of other ways for people to get to know each other.”
Many more changes might be as well coming to Tinder. The addition of videos to the profile can change the game, and there will be some additional interesting new features to explore too.
In This Month, We Commemorate Tinder’s First Decade of Existence.
The popular dating app first appeared on the scene in 2012, and since then, the whole landscape of online dating has shifted.
For ten years, Tinder has been at the forefront of the online dating scene, influencing everything from the development of competing applications (such as Bumble, Her, and many others) to shifts in cultural attitudes around finding love in cyberspace.
Many singles have found that the proliferation of dating apps has simplified the process of going on actual dates. Since the apps are gratuitous, there is no monetary barrier to entry.
As a sociologist who has worked for both Tinder and Bumble, Jess Carbino has first-hand experience with both apps and believes they “truly game-changed” the dating scene by making it more accessible to more people.
Tinder’s Carbino Thinks the App’s Mutual Match System Gives Consumers Hope.
Once a user has “matched” with another user, they know the other user is also interested in communicating with them. The Tinder debut was especially successful among users aged 18 to 24 and those aged 55 and up.
Carbino says, “It’s really surprising by helping to demolish that stigma that Tinder did such an incredible job of opening up online dating not only demographically from a racial or socioeconomic standpoint, but also from an age perspective.”
The prejudice has lessened, but it hasn’t gone away entirely. Some individuals were sceptical of dating apps at first, reasoning that it would be impossible to develop genuine feelings for someone based on a few photographs and a catchy bio.
According to Carbino, the widespread dissemination of success stories had a major role in dispelling that myth. Those who had successful dates or found a lifelong companion online spread the news to their extended networks.
The acceptance of internet dating contributed to an increase in its popularity. According to a recent research by Pew Research, one in three new partnerships today has its origins in cyberspace.
Some users still aren’t convinced of online dating’s efficacy, despite the reducing stigma. When swiping through hundreds of local profiles, users of dating apps often feel paralysed by choice.
Their complaints centre on the exhaustion that results from having to contact and meet with so many people via apps.
As Carbino puts it, using a dating app is like investing in the stock market. They aren’t restricted to using a single platform. There are an average of two to four apps they use to increase their profile visibility and find a compatible match.
Some Apps Make an Effort to Deal With this Exhaustion or Abundance of Alternatives:
Based on previous swipes, Hinge recommends “most compatible” and top profiles to its customers. You can only get so many “likes” every day on Tinder (unless you upgrade to a paid plan). Most of these apps will also provide sample icebreaker messages for you to use while corresponding with a potential date.
I think people are just tired of dating and looking for love in general, not just online dating, Carbino says. “Just as people are starting to become successful because they are engaging in a lot of dates, they are tiring of the apps and dropping them.”
To Carbino’s knowledge, the popularity of online dating is only going to increase in the future. According to her predictions, new dating applications will leverage developing technologies to shake up the industry.
She predicts that “processes that are considerably broader than simply the dating app mechanism itself” will have a major impact on the nature of dating in the coming decade. “The next app that comes along is going to have to be truly revolutionary in terms of its technological platforms.”