Is Jennifer Garner Married? Relationship, Ex-Affair, and Much More

Many people around the world are captivated by Hollywood star Jennifer Garner’s life, especially her relationship status.

In this comprehensive look, we will explore if Jennifer Garner is married, her past relationships, a brief bio, her physical metrics, and her net worth.

Is Jennifer Garner Married?


Is Jennifer Garner Married?

As of the time of this article’s publication, Jennifer Garner is not married. After her highly-publicized marriage to actor Ben Affleck ended in divorce, she has maintained a relatively private personal life.

Garner’s focus on her career and children has been in the spotlight, as opposed to her relationship status.

Jennifer Garner Past Relationships

Jennifer Garner was married to actor Scott Foley from 2000 to 2004. She then married Ben Affleck in 2005, with whom she has three children. Their marriage ended in divorce in 2018. Since then, Garner’s romantic life has remained out of the public eye.

A Little Bio of Jennifer Garner

Born on April 17, 1972, in Houston, Texas, Jennifer Garner’s rise to fame began with her role in the television series “Alias.”

She transitioned into film with prominent roles in movies like “13 Going on 30,” “Dallas Buyers Club,” and “Miracles from Heaven.”

Garner’s on-screen versatility is mirrored by her off-screen commitment to charity work and entrepreneurship.

Jennifer Garner Height and Other Body Metrics

Jennifer Garner stands at 5 feet 8 inches tall and maintains a healthy lifestyle, evident in her physique. Known for her dedication to fitness, she often shares insights into her workout regime and nutrition, inspiring fans to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Jennifer Garner Net Worth

With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, Jennifer Garner’s net worth is estimated at $80 million as of the time of this article. Her success in both film and television, as well as her business ventures, have contributed to her substantial financial standing.

Jennifer Garner Philanthropy and Social Activism

Jennifer Garner is more than just an actress. She’s a dedicated advocate for early childhood education and has worked closely with “Save the Children” to promote literacy and health programs in rural America.

Her passion for social causes extends to her active participation in various charity events, furthering her image as a conscientious celebrity who uses her platform for good.

Jennifer Garner Business Ventures

In addition to her acting career, Garner has entered the business world. She co-founded Once Upon a Farm, an organic family food company.

Her role in the business isn’t just titular; she has been actively involved in the brand’s development and marketing, embodying her belief in healthy, quality food for children.

Jennifer Garner Acting Style and Recognition

Jennifer Garner’s acting is characterized by her emotional depth and versatility. She has effortlessly transitioned between dramatic roles to light-hearted romantic comedies.

Garner has been recognized with several awards and nominations, including a Golden Globe Award for her role in “Alias.” Her ability to connect with audiences across various genres speaks volumes about her talent and appeal.

Jennifer Garner Personal Life and Privacy

After her divorce from Ben Affleck, Garner has been quite private about her personal life, focusing on her children and career. Her approach to fame is grounded, and she’s often seen engaging in everyday activities, reflecting a down-to-earth personality that many fans appreciate.

Jennifer Garner Style and Fashion

Garner’s style on the red carpet is elegant and timeless. She often chooses classic silhouettes that emphasize her natural beauty. Her fashion choices, both on and off the red carpet, have made her a style icon, and she continues to inspire women with her accessible and sophisticated taste.

Jennifer Garner Health and Wellness Philosophy

A strong advocate for physical health, Garner often shares glimpses of her workout routines and healthy eating habits. Her approach to wellness isn’t about extreme diets but embracing a balanced lifestyle.

Garner’s holistic perspective on health and wellness is a refreshing and relatable aspect of her public persona.


Jennifer Garner’s life is not only interesting due to her relationship status but also her successful career, her philanthropic efforts, and her role as a loving mother. Currently, she is not married, focusing more on her personal growth, children, and various professional endeavors.

Garner remains a symbol of resilience, grace, and multi-dimensional success in Hollywood. By encompassing not only Jennifer Garner’s marital status but her overall life journey, we’ve painted a more intricate picture of who she is.

Her multifaceted career and personal life continue to inspire and resonate with people globally.