Conflict Quickly Emerges Between Top Prosecutor And Police Commissioner

These disagreements are common, though. Police and prosecutors frequently disagree over whether or not there is enough evidence to warrant an arrest.

For the police, the arrest signals the conclusion of the case, while the prosecution must either prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt or devise a different plan of action. Such critiques, especially so early in a new administration, are uncommon to be made public.

Conflict Quickly Emerges Between Top Prosecutor And Police Commissioner


Conflict Quickly Emerges Between Top Prosecutor And Police Commissioner

Adams described Mr. Bragg as a “brilliant prosecutor” in recent interviews when questioned about him and chose not to comment on the letter. No one from the mayor’s office immediately responded to us with a comment. The document, according to one police official, “speaks for itself.”

Mr. Bragg and Mr. Adams, both Democrats with substantial experience in law enforcement, have both promised changes.

Mr. Bragg, a former federal prosecutor who ran for office in the primary, pledged to strike a fair balance between justice and security. Mr. Adams is a former police captain who, while on the force, spoke out against police brutality and pushed for reform.

Mr. Adams is the second black mayor in the city’s history, Mr. Bragg is the first black person to lead the district attorney’s office, and Commissioner Sewell is the first female and third black person to lead the police force.

Final Words

In a memo, Mr. Bragg gave his prosecutors instructions to only urge imprisonment or jail time in situations involving murder, sexual assault, or significant economic wrongdoing, unless the law expressly forbids such a request.

unneeded to do that He has committed to referring those with comparable backgrounds to services that are better equipped to address the issues that led them to engage in criminal behaviour.

Additionally, the new district attorney instructed his prosecutors not to bring any misdemeanor charges against him.

Because many of the offences on his list were already being tried against his predecessor, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., Mr. Bragg instructed his staff not to file duplicate offences that had already been charged, such as resisting arrest.