Best WordPress Development Tools in 2022

The popularity of WordPress has not declined over the years. According to Kinsta, WordPress has a market share of 43% of all websites. It turns out that people all over the world use WordPress as a content management system. Undoubtedly its flexibility and ease of use make it a favorite among developers.

WordPress supports development tools, making it a playground for experienced developers to experiment.

WordPress Development Tools

There are many WordPress development tools available. This article will share the most effective WordPress development tools for 2022.



If you are looking for a WordPress development tool that will allow you to create a local WordPress site, then XAMPP/MAMP is the way to go. Any software development company can take advantage of this tool because it is free and cross-platform. Also, XAMPP is open source.

Depending on your needs, you can use MAMP or XAMPP. Both will help you perform similar tasks, but there are a few differences between them.

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2. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a powerful development tool for developing modern and fast themes. Most often, developers use it to create responsive websites and web applications. This system has 12 grids where you can create and customize buttons, sliders, menus, and more. In addition, it is also a cross-platform tool and quite intuitive to use, so it can be used even if you do not have that experience in creating themes.

3. VVV

This WordPress development tool helps you create virtual websites. It is very convenient to use if you need to work with multiple WordPress sites simultaneously.

This WordPress development tool has many features, including support for Nginx, Varnish, and PHPmyAdmin. It also has a wide range of default plugins and themes that you can use.

4. Atom

Atom is a text editor designed specifically for developers.

It has several features to make WordPress site development more accessible, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and a built-in package manager.

The tool is also constantly updated with new features, making it one of the best WordPress development tools in 2022 and one of the best coding tools we could use now.

5. Sublime

Sublime is a lightweight text editor that is easy yet relatively fast and convenient.

Sublime has many features, including multiple selections, a command palette, Goto Anything, etc. It also comes with several plugins that you can use to extend its functionality.

WordPress Development Tools

6. WP Umbrella

 WP Umbrella is the perfect WordPress development tool for PHP developers. It is a plugin that provides developers with various WordPress tools, including WordPress coding standards, code analysis, etc.

This plugin is great for developers who want their code to comply with WordPress coding standards. Moreover, it also helps developers avoid common mistakes that can lead to WordPress errors.


The Free WordPress Themes Directory contains over 8,848 themes. Forbes notes that the best free themes are Neve, Astra, OceanWP, and Sydney. However, depending on your needs, you can choose the tool that best suits your needs. And this is the uniqueness of WordPress tools – you will find what you need and fit perfectly.