Is Andrew Garfield Married? Relationship, Ex-Affair, and Much More

Andrew Garfield, an acclaimed actor known for his roles in major films such as “The Amazing Spider-Man,” has long captivated audiences with his performances. Many fans wonder, “Is Andrew Garfield married?”

In this article, we will delve into his current marital status, previous relationships, biography, height, body metrics, and net worth.

Is Andrew Garfield Married?


Is Andrew Garfield Married?

As of this article’s publication date, Andrew Garfield is not married. His relationship status is often a topic of interest, and he tends to keep his personal life private.

Andrew Garfield Biography: A Rising Star

Born on August 20, 1983, in Los Angeles, California, Andrew Garfield moved to the United Kingdom at a young age. His passion for acting led him to the Central School of Speech and Drama in London.

He quickly became a sought-after actor, with prominent roles in films such as “The Social Network” and “Hacksaw Ridge.”

Andrew Garfield Past Relationships and Affairs

Andrew Garfield’s most publicized relationship was with actress Emma Stone. The pair met on the set of “The Amazing Spider-Man” and dated for several years before parting ways. While there have been other rumored relationships, Andrew tends to keep his personal life away from the public eye.

Andrew Garfield Height and Body Metrics

Andrew Garfield stands at 5 feet 10 inches (1.79 meters) and weighs around 163 pounds (74 kilograms). His lean physique and intense preparation for various roles showcase his commitment to his craft.

Andrew Garfield Net Worth

With an estimated net worth of $13 million, Andrew’s success in the film industry is undeniable. His dedication to his roles and ability to bring characters to life has made him a respected figure in Hollywood.

Andrew Garfield Achievements and Accolades

Andrew’s talent has not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and nominations, including a Tony Award and an Academy Award nomination. His ability to tackle diverse roles sets him apart in the industry.

Andrew Garfield Philanthropy and Social Causes

Outside of acting, Andrew is involved in several charitable organizations. He is known for his support of causes related to children’s welfare and LGBTQ+ rights. His activism is a testament to his commitment to social responsibility.

Andrew Garfield Personal Interests and Hobbies

Andrew’s interests extend beyond acting. He’s passionate about theater and has performed on various stages. His hobbies include reading, traveling, and exploring different cultures.

Andrew Garfield Early Life and Education

Andrew Garfield was born to a British mother and an American father. Growing up, he was actively involved in gymnastics and philately. His decision to pursue acting was influenced by his love for storytelling, and he made his acting debut at the age of 9 in a youth theater production.

Andrew Garfield Artistic Approach and Acting Method

Andrew is known for his method acting and intense preparation for roles. For example, his portrayal of Desmond Doss in “Hacksaw Ridge” required rigorous physical training and historical research. His devotion to his craft is evident in his nuanced and emotionally resonant performances.

Andrew Garfield Recent Projects and Upcoming Roles

Andrew’s recent projects include critically acclaimed films such as “Mainstream” and “The Eyes of Tammy Faye.” He continues to explore challenging roles, and his upcoming projects are eagerly anticipated by fans and critics alike.

Andrew Garfield Public Appearances and Media Interaction

Known for his eloquence and intelligence, Andrew’s interviews and public appearances are often filled with insightful reflections on acting, society, and personal growth. He manages to maintain a sense of privacy while engaging with his audience in a thoughtful and meaningful way.

Andrew Garfield Style and Influence

Andrew’s sense of style has made him a favorite on the red carpet. His fashion choices reflect his personality—elegant yet approachable. Additionally, his influence extends to social issues, as he uses his platform to speak on matters close to his heart, such as mental health awareness.


“Is Andrew Garfield married?” may be a simple question, but it leads to a multifaceted exploration of this talented actor’s life. Andrew’s career, relationships, achievements, and personal values create a nuanced and compelling portrait.

Andrew Garfield remains a beloved figure in entertainment, not just for his acting prowess, but for his integrity, passion, and humanity. His story is an inspiration to many and reflects a life lived with authenticity and purpose.