
WMI Provider Host High CPU Usage [RESOLVED]

Windows Management Instrumentation Provider Service is also known as WmiPrvSE (or WmiPrvSE.exe). In the Task Manager, it is displayed as the WMI Provider Host....

Windows 10 Start Menu Not Working

All the Windows users love and know the importance of the Start Button because of its amazing search feature. You will be traumatized if...

MiracastView Error After Upgrade on Windows 10

Windows 10 came with lots of interesting and amazing features and also some bugs along with it! Recently, many users have reported the errors...

What is Error Code 0X0 0X0 and How to Fix it?

For windows users, errors are very common. Whenever there is any system malfunction, users encounter certain kinds of errors. Some of them are easy...

Easy Ways To Disable Windows Defender In Windows 10

All high-level Windows PCs go with a certain security feature called Windows Defender that safeguards your PC from malware. Windows 10 accompanies Windows Defender...


