Types of Web Hosting – Assessing Your Website’s Needs

All business owners need a website. Developing a website is not a big deal these days. However, ensuring that the website is easily approachable and accessible by the users is a challenging task. This is where web hosting comes into play.


Types of Web Hosting

The server or the company which stores the website is called a web hosting company. This means that choosing the right web host is very important for the success of your website. Following are the different types which are available.

Types of Web Hosting

1. Shared Web Hosting

A shared web hosting is an ideal option for small businesses that have just begun. It is good for those who have tight budgets and minimal resources. If you are likely to experience less traffic, then shared web hosting should be your option.

Shared web hosting has one server, which is shared by a number of websites. Thus, you will be deprived of configuration flexibility. Moreover, the performance of one website will be dependent on the other websites. You can know more about it on webhotel-guiden.dk.

2. Dedicated Web Hosting

This type of web hosting is completely opposite to shared web hosting. It is the right choice if you want to optimize the resources and server setup. A physical server will host only one website in this type of hosting.

It is much more expensive compared to shared web hosting. However, the benefits are immense. If you have a large company with a website that experiences heavy traffic, then dedicated web hosting is the way to move forward. If you find your needs somewhere in between shared and dedicated hosting, look into VPS Hosting which is the middle ground in regard to features and cost.

3. Cloud Web Hosting

This is one of the most recent technologies in the market. In this hosting, there is a cloud web host which is responsible for storing the website on a network of virtual servers. The major advantage of using this web hosting is that it is much more scalable, and the resource allocation is unlimited.

How to Assess Your Needs?

Before choosing any web hosting, it is important that you assess the needs of your website. Only then should you choose a web hosting company.

How to Assess Your Needs Needs of Website

Following are some of the factors to consider:

  • The budget: if you are on a short budget, then go for cheaper options.
  • Amount of traffic expected: websites that are experiencing high amounts of traffic need to ensure that they purchase a web host which has a high number of features.
  • Tools needed: some web hosting companies provide different kinds of tools such as website building, account management, e-commerce related features, and content management. If you need these tools, then make sure the right web hosting service is being purchased.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a web hosting company is not easy. However, in order to make the process easier, you must consider the factors listed above. You must also assess the needs of your website. This will have a considerable impact on the decision that you will make. In any case, make sure that the web hosting service you are purchasing should be compliant with your needs.