Sinus Arrhythmia: Symptoms, Causes, and Prognosis

72 times per minute, the human heart beats. Like the second hand of a clock, it’s an analogy. Arrhythmia, on the other hand, refers to a condition in which the heartbeats irregularly.

When the heartbeat is either too fast or too sluggish, it is called sinus arrhythmia.


What are The Symptoms? 

The sinoatrial node (SA node) of the heart, found in the upper right chamber near the superior vena cava, is associated with sinus arrhythmia. Known as the “pacemaker,” this component is in charge of starting and maintaining the heartbeat.

A variety of sinus arrhythmias exist. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia is one example. It is a common occurrence in both children and adults, and it has no negative consequences in terms of health or heart disease.


It may be caused by cardiac disease in the elderly. Rhythm of the heart is closely linked to the breathing cycle in these circumstances. Inhalation raises the heart rate, while expiration lowers it.

It’s also known by various names, such as-

The term “bradycardia” refers to a decrease in heart rate. Sinus arrhythmia may be a contributing factor. Bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60 beats per minute.

Sinus bradycardia and sinus arrhythmia are both indicated if there are large intervals between two successive beats. When you’re sleeping, you’re more likely to experience this.

An abnormally high heart rate known as tachycardia arises. If your heart rate is more than or equal to 100 beats per minute, you have sinus tachycardia.

It’s most common after a workout or when you’re sick or stressed. If the problem persists, a trip to the doctor is in order. Young children and adults are not at risk from these conditions.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of This Disease?

In rare cases, a person’s symptoms may include shortness of breath, although this is not a common occurrence and the condition stays untreated.

Unless you have specialised equipment, it’s difficult to tell whether or not you’re breathing normally if you don’t know how to measure your pulse. For example, the Mayo Clinic lists a few of the more common symptoms as-

– Chest fluttering

– Pulse pounding

– Slow heartbeat

– A feeling of exhaustion

– Constipation – Diarrhea

It’s not uncommon to feel palpitations of the heart and heartbeat skips, which, though frequent, should not be disregarded if they continue for an extended period of time.

If there is a problem, you should see a doctor right once so that you can begin treatment.

Sinus Arrhythmia is Caused by What?

Even though it is common in both children and adults, it could be an indication of a cardiac condition in the elderly. It is possible for the SA node to malfunction if there is a problem with the heart’s electrical circuitry.

The SA node does not need an external signal to begin the heartbeat, which suggests that the problem is within. Medical experts and researchers, on the other hand, feel that the heart, lungs, and circulatory system all play a role.

respiratory sinus arrhythmia may also occur to minimise the burden on the heart while maintaining adequate levels of blood gases, according to some. respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

Some of the risk factors for arrhythmia are as follows:

  • abuse of alcohol
  • over-exercising
  • a history of heart attack or failure, tobacco use, caffeine consumption, or the use of some medicines and substances

Research is undertaken to determine the fundamental origins of the problem, which is currently unsolved.

Is There a Test for It?

ECG (electrocardiogram- graph recorded using electrical signals from the heart) is typically used by doctors to diagnose sinus arrhythmia. If anomalies in heart rate are evident, the graph can help identify this issue.

The heart rate is normally normal in respiratory sinus arrhythmia, but the interval between two consecutive beats is abnormal. You may only be advised to have an EKG if your doctor suspects that you have an underlying cardiac condition.

In most cases, sinus arrhythmia is not a cause for concern because it is common and safe.

What Is the Prognosis?

Sinus arrhythmia is generally harmless and does not cause any further heart problems. Because of this, there is no need for treatment. In fact, as one gets older, it becomes less and less noticeable.

Doctors may be able to identify the underlying cause through tests if it occurs in elderly persons. While sinus arrhythmia is merely an indicator of an issue that needs to be addressed, in this case the main problem must be addressed as well.


It is possible to suffer symptoms if you have sinus tachycardia or sinus bradycardia together. Shortness of breath, dizziness, and fainting are signs of bradycardia, while lightheadedness and chest pain are signs of tachycardia.

An arrhythmia of the sinus nodes, on the other hand, is perfectly normal and occurs on an everyday basis. None of this is harmful to the human body.


Normal and healthy lifestyles are not disrupted by sinus arrhythmia most of the time. If it’s ever discovered, it becomes less apparent as you get older.

Concerns about sinus arrhythmia in senior citizens are understandable. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible to find out what’s wrong and get it fixed.