6 Must-Know Photo Editing Tips for Beginners

Visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared on social media. Behind every great online branding campaign stands a perfect photo. Luxury brands have long utilized visual marketing to seduce and entice potential customers into clicking and purchasing.

Your brand, too, can take advantage of this visual marketing phenomenon by utilizing the correct type of photo editing that attracts a quality customer base. But how do you learn to edit photos to improve your marketing efforts?

Read on to discover our must-know photo editing tips for beginners!


1. Play With the Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of color in a photo; by playing with it, you can make your colors pop. You can increase the saturation if you want to make your colors more vibrant. On the other hand, if you’re going to tone down the colors, you can decrease the saturation.

2. Add Details With Shadows and Highlights

You can create shadows by darkening areas around an object, while lightening spots around an object create highlights.

Photo Editing Tips

You can use shadows and highlights to create depth and dimension in a photo.

To create shadows, you will need to use a software program to adjust a photo’s levels of darkness and lightness.

To create highlights, you must use a software program to adjust a photo’s brightness and contrast levels.

3. Photo Editing Tips in Cropping

You can use cropping to change the composition of your photo, eliminate distractions, or even make a subject appear more prominent or closer to the camera. Cropping can significantly affect your image’s overall look and feel.

Decide what you want to keep in the frame. Look at the overall composition and identify the main subject or focus.

4. Adjusting Brightness and Contrast

You can do it in most photo editing software with a few clicks. The brightness slider controls the overall lightness or darkness of the image, while the contrast slider affects the difference in brightness between the lightest and darkest areas.

When adjusting brightness and contrast, it’s essential to keep an eye on the histogram. It is a graphical representation of the brightness levels in an image, and it can be a helpful guide for knowing when you’ve pushed the limits too far.

5. Use Dodge and Burn Technique

As a beginner, you may not be familiar with the term “dodge and burn,” but it’s a common technique used by many professional photographers and editors. In a nutshell, the dodge and burn technique can lighten or darken specific areas of an image. It can be helpful if you want to make a particular area of the photo stand out or if you’re going to blend two different ideas.

6. Outsource From Photo Editing Experts

Don’t be afraid to outsource from photo editing experts. It can be a great way to edit photos efficiently. Several reputable companies offer this service, so research your options before deciding.

You can also get lessons from experts in using certain features on specific editing tools to improve your photo editing skills. There are also tools that can make image transparent backgrounds and other advanced features that you may be interested in.

Photo Editing Techniques for Higher Quality Photos

As a beginner, photo editing can seem daunting. However, some must-know photo editing tips can help make the process easier. Know how to crop and resize an image, as well as how to adjust the brightness and contrast.

By following these simple editing and photography tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning edited photos.