Everything You Need to Know About Munchkin Cat

Munchkin Cat refers to the breed of cats that have distinctive characteristics such as short stubby legs and long spine. This is a deformity that occurred due to genetic mutation causing defects in the formation of cartilage. The gene causing this deformity is autosomal dominant.

They have small to medium-sized and thick bodies. They come in various colors and textures of coating, which can be either long-haired or short-haired.

It is also known as ‘Sausage cat’ or ‘Wiener cat’.Munchkin cats are full of warmth and friendliness. They are not aggressive and comfortable even around strangers. For their owners and other pets in a company, they have a high level of affection.

Even though they have small bodies, they are quite active and fond of playing and jumping around. They need exercise to maintain physical activeness. Grooming requires basic things like brushing and cleaning, but it takes extra effort in tight spots due to shorter legs.


Munchkin Cat

In this article, you will get to know everything related to Munchkin cats.

Common Health Problems

There are not many problems that arise due to the body structure of Munchkin cats, but it does have some effect on the activity and the ability to jump. It is due to the added pressure on the spine and legs. Organs are not affected much. Although, they might bear a bit more load than normal cats.

They have a long lifespan in general, and you can prevent early demise by taking proper care and measures. The common health problems they face include-

> Pancreatitis

> Lordosis (curving spine)

> Hyperthyroidism

> Osteoarthritis

> Uremia

> Lymphosarcoma

> Feline lower urinary tract disease

These diseases are also found in other breeds of domestic cats, and Munchkin Cats are just as prone to them as the other cats. Studies have shown no effect of short legs on health.

Diet And Nutrition

Munchkin cats, except for their body structure, are no different than other domestic cats. They can be fed the same diet as normal cats. They require a healthy diet but no diet that is as such specific for this breed of cats.

However, every cat’s sensitivity to different foods is different, and you must figure that out. If you keep giving your cats foods that do not suit them, health issues such as digestive problems, heart problems, and others can occur.

Snacks that are right for your cat should be given. Rest, you can discuss the diet plan properly with your vet.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Munchkin Cats

Below given are the five things you didn’t know about Munchkin Cats:

The discovery of Munchkin Cats was serendipity when a Louisiana school teacher named Sandra found a pregnant short-legged cat under her car in the early ’80s. The first one ever was named Blackberry.

Contrary to the typical belief, Munchkin cats do not have any specific problems of spine or hip arising due to their short legs. They only face the common domestic cat’s health issues which they can be protected from by vaccinations and taking proper measures.

All Munchkin cats are not born with the same length of legs. They come in three different sizes categorized as standard, super short, and rug hugger- the standard being the longest. It is determined by genes. Two cats with short legs are not bred to avoid severe health issues.

They have a seat and can sit erect on the two hind legs, giving the appearance of a rabbit. This ability comes from the fact that their hind legs are longer than the front ones. ‘Stalingrad Kangaroo cat’ gained name because it sat in this posture constantly.

Munchkin Cats are also known as ‘magpie cats’ after the Magpie birds, which are known for stealing shiny stuff. Just like that, these cats also find shiny and glittering stuff appealing. So, they have the tendency to hide them away and play with that object later on. There is also conflicting research that states that magpies are actually scared of shiny objects. Studies are still going on to confirm the statement.


Munchkin cats are known for their short stature. They have stunted legs and a long spine. Despite this body structure, they are free from any spine problems other than the ones found in normal domestic cats as well.

Their diet can also be kept normal like other cats. No extra nutrition is required. There are many things you might not have known about these cats, which are given above. Overall, they are affectionate and loving creatures with high intelligence. They are playful and active too.