If You Can t Laugh at Yourself

People who make fun of themselves are more likely to be optimistic.

In a 2011 study, researchers identified a link between the ability to laugh at one’s self and a cheerful outlook on life.

You’ve probably seen the Instagram filters that amplify the size of your nose. The study presented 70 respondents with altered images of their own faces. Some people found it simple to laugh at themselves, according to the study.

If You Can t Laugh at Yourself

Because they were concerned that the distorted image would accentuate one of their vulnerabilities, some participants in this study did not even bother to smile.

Many beneficial character traits can be predicted by one’s ability to laugh at oneself, according to the study. Self-deprecating humour was found to be associated with better mental health in a separate study conducted in Spain.


How to Have More Fun at Your Own Expense.

Is there a way to genuinely learn to laugh at your own shortcomings? Here are six ways to improve your ability to laugh at yourself.

1: Accepting Oneself.

No one is flawless, so why should you hold yourself to a standard that is any higher?

It’s critical to distinguish between what you can change and what you can’t when contemplating your “negatives.”

To be an example, hating yourself (or your genes) because you’re short or because your hair is a certain hue is a waste of energy. Your personality traits will never alter no matter how many times you attempt.

If you’d like to learn more about how to accept yourself, here’s a complete article.

2: Detach Yourself From Your Work.

Many people have a hard time accepting themselves because they’re only concerned with how well they accomplish at job, school, or in the gym. I see this all the time with my students: when they fail a test, they automatically conclude that they are terrible students.

It’s probably something you’ve done before. There’s a guy in the gym next to you who lifts twice as much weight. Weakness is evident in your demeanour. The work you had planned to complete was not completed? You’re sluggish, and I don’t like that.

When you accept yourself, you accept the fact that you’re a human being who has both good and bad days. This isn’t an excuse for making a mistake.

As a result, you must come to terms with the fact that no single deed defines who you are. No one’s career is ruined because of a single blunder at work. You don’t have to be a terrible soccer player if you make a single mistake. It’s not about how well you do that determines who you are.

As long as you don’t interpret it as a sign that you’re laughing at yourself, you’re not doing yourself any harm by remembering a past mistake.

3: Don’t be Conceited.

In order to keep up the illusion that you’re an all-around great person, you can’t be able to laugh at yourself.

To put it another way, you need to be less arrogant and more gracious in front of others.

Self-confidence doesn’t have to be affected by humility.

Think on how insignificant you are in the great scheme of things to keep yourself humble.

I’m not being condescending when I say that. Instead, the understanding that whatever troubles you’re currently dealing with don’t matter in the long run can be liberating.

We’re only a speck of dust floating in a universe that will continue to exist long after we’re gone as a tiny living organism.

4: Make Fun of Yourself by Pointing Out Your Weaknesses in a Light-Hearted Manner.

The simplest way to learn to laugh at yourself is to look at yourself in the mirror.

Make light of your own shortcomings and those of those around you with a sense of levity.

  • If, like me, you are perpetually five minutes late for meetings, make a joke about it.
  • Are you in a bad mood because you received a speeding ticket? Then inform everyone else that you’ve chosen to start donating your money to a well-respected charity (your country’s Treasury Department) in order to spread this awful news.
  • It was more expensive than you expected. Self-deprecatingly mock oneself for being a squanderer or claiming that you deserve the best of everything.

While addressing these possible issues, you may also lighten the mood by employing comedy in this manner. When other people can openly express their concerns, they will be able to assist you overcome them more effectively.

5: Make Sure You’re Considerate of Others, as well.

It’s wonderful to laugh at oneself, but be aware of the others around you when you’re doing so.

For instance, I’m a devoted runner who has completed five marathons to date. By all accounts, my 5th (and final) marathon was a terrible failure. I had to walk the final kilometres since I had not trained sufficiently and had misjudged my pace.

The next week at a friend’s birthday party, I tried to make light of my experience. I stated I trained like a naive idiot and chuckled about how I was overtaken by a snail at one point in my journey.

At the time, I had no idea that another individual at the table had just completed his first marathon in around the same time as me.

From his perspective, I was insulting not only my personal accomplishment but also his first marathon finish.

It’s important to keep in mind that others may be able to empathise with what you’re going through and not be able to laugh at themselves.

6: Make Sure that You Don’t Become Your Own Worst Critic

Learning to laugh at yourself and your difficulties can do wonders for your mental health. You should know that if you’re dealing with major concerns like depression or panic attacks, you may need to seek professional help.

There is an inner critic in everyone. It’s the voice in your head that tells you that you’re a terrible person and that you don’t deserve happiness. The self-doubting voice in your head will find a way to critique your abilities, no matter how good or proficient you are.

You must guard against being your own harshest judge. Criticism of yourself, even in a lighthearted manner, still allows the negative voice in your head to influence your thoughts.