How A Student Can Take Exams

Many of you have experienced the anxious feeling before passing exams when your heart feels like it goes to your throat, your breathing quickens, sweat on your forehead and an uninvited shiver covers the whole body.

For some reason, most people talk about trembling in the knees, probably to avoid falling asleep, failing, failing, and losing their scholarship or even the title of student. Usually, students want agencies to write my paper for me cheap so that they can avoid mistakes.

Nevertheless, as the proverb says, the devil is not as frightening as he is made out to be. Moreover, if you consider the resourcefulness and cunning of our students, the exams are not so scary, probably to overcome yourself, to overcome timidity in front of a strict examiner, to gather your thoughts.

How A Student Can Take Exams

Most students pay to write paper, order term papers, and other types of papers before exams to reduce their level of fear and to be confident in their assignments. In this regard, the advice of British psychologists F. Ord and E. Clough, which they called “Exams without stress,” can be of some help to students and applicants as well.

How A Student Can Take Exams

So, let us listen to the mentors of intelligence. First, you need to know your highest peak activity. “Larks” work best in the morning, “owls” – in the evening. It is useful to outline what subjects you intend to deal with in your typical periods of difficulties

. If you feel “not in the mood,” it is recommended to start classes with the most interesting subject for you; it will help you get into a working routine.

If apprehension begins to creep into the soul, you should stand up sharply, turn away for a short time from the desk, take several slow, deep breaths and exhalations and only then proceed again. Remember: be sure to breathe slowly and deeply; fast and shallow breathing contributes to increased tension and nervousness.

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To give yourself confidence, write the words “I can do it” on the card. Place the card so that it is always in front of your eyes.

Be sure to take short but regular breaks, as physical and mental fatigue can wear you down. During a break, you can just get up from the table, walk around the room a few times.

We do not advise resorting to the help of stimulants – coffee, strong tea, green tea, or special drugs. Before exams, your nervous system itself is on edge, and therefore additional stimulation is out of the question.

Increased levels of caffeine in the body, especially in those conditions in which you have pulled the repetition of material to the last moment, can lead to the most undesirable consequences – trembling hands, distracted attention, anxiety, and the need for frequent visits to the bathroom.

How Students Take Exams

Many students find it helpful to review all of the material early in the morning on exam day to refresh their memory on the most important questions.

Once you have focused on the last repetition, do not neglect breakfast. On the day of the exam, you should try to eat a little more of what you are used to for breakfast. You need to help your body withstand the 2 to 3 hours of mental strain.

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During exams, the brain works with more activity than on normal days, and therefore the body needs additional energy resources.

It is a pity that English psychologists do not take into account the poverty of our students, and their modest scholarships. Where to get extra calories? Yet do not panic; keep yourself in control, and hope for positive marks on your credit report. Break a leg!