Hollywood Man Creates Makeshift 9/11 Memorial in his Front Yard

An eight-foot-tall copy of the “Twin Towers” was constructed by Shaya Gutleizer, who also memorialised the victims of the attacks by flying a “Flag of Heroes” bearing their names. He claims he was prevented from visiting New York last year because to the pandemic, which is why he decided to build the tribute.

I believed we’d have one up this year at the latest, so that people can have a final resting place to pay their respects. They can grieve as a group and do whatever makes them happy,” Gutliezer remarked.


Hollywood Man Creates Makeshift 9/11 Memorial in his Front Yard

His front yard is also lined with 412 tiny flags, each representing one of the first responders who lost their lives.

Former New York City emergency medical technician Gutleizer is now retired. He was on duty during the September 11 attacks.

He said the memorial was built to spark curiosity and discussion about the tragic events of that day and to teach future generations about them.

A South Florida guy put together a makeshift 9/11 memorial in front of his home in Hollywood. An eight-foot-tall copy of the “Twin Towers” was constructed by Shaya Gutleizer, who also memorialised the victims of the attacks by flying a “Flag of Heroes” bearing their names. Apparently, he has some things to say.

A Fullerton man has been laying flowers in his yard on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks for the past 20 years.

Scott Townley, who lives in the 800 block of North Woods Avenue, has transformed his house into a memorial to the victims of September 11. Names and pictures of most of the victims are on display.

Townley has hundreds of flags planted in his yard. In 2001, the memorial just consisted of a single homemade placard and 20 flags.

That day was a tragedy for America, and Townley stated, “I don’t want anybody to forget that.” If you consider the families of the 2,977 persons we lost, you’ll see that the number is much higher.

Hollywood Man Creates Makeshift 9/11 Memorial in his Front Yard: Last Words

One hundred years from now, I hope it will be remembered as the worst attack in American history. If it’s done right, a memorial can move people to action.

It shouldn’t be a sad reminder of the America that no longer exists or of the world we knew before September 11. The sign should represent our ability to persevere and ultimately succeed. Thanks for reading our article Hollywood Man Creates Makeshift 9/11 Memorial in his Front Yard.