Double Glazing Windows – How to Properly Maintain Them?

Double glazing windows are now getting increasingly popular. Homeowners are getting more aware of the benefits of such windows. However, maintaining the same can be a hassle at times. This is due to its very inherent nature which requires more maintenance compared to other types of windows.


How to Maintain Double Glazing Windows

Home owners normally hire professionals to maintain double glazed windows. However, this requires you to spend money, which definitely is worth it; but in the event, you choose to get things on your own, the following are some of the tips that must be considered at all times.

Double Glazing Windows

1. Wash it

The first, foremost and most obvious tip to maintain double glazing windows is to wash it. You are required to wash each and every part of it including the frames, sides, corners, and glass surface. Prevent accumulation of dust, otherwise, it will cause scratches. The right detergents are to be used to ensure quality results. Professional cleaners can be called in to maximize the quality of the results you get.

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2. Inspection of locks

Just like doors, double glazing windows also have locks. This is to ensure that your premises remain as secure as possible. However, to maintain the windows, you also need to inspect the locks on regular basis.

It is recommendable that you unlock the windows and check the locks frequently. There are professional locksmiths as well which can check the windows effectively. Thus, ensure that you make inspections of the locks and the hinges whenever you can.

3. Check trails and tracks

There are sliding double glazed doors as well. It is imperative that you check trails and tracks for those windows. Runners, tracks, and trails shall be kept free from all dust and dirt. This can easily be done by simply vacuuming them on a frequent basis.

Sometimes, there are very tiny particles that cannot be cleaned using vacuums. In such an event, make sure that you use alternative methods through which the trails and tracks can be cleaned properly.

4. Space between the panes should be cleaned

This is the most difficult part when it comes to double-glazed windows. It is essential that you clean the space between the panes. Sometimes, dirt and moisture can start to build up between these spaces.

Space between the panes should be cleaned

This means that the airtight seal has broken. In such an event, you need to call a professional who can open the panes and clean it properly. It is highly advisable that this activity should not be undertaken by the homeowner itself.

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The Bottom Line

Above are some of the major tips that must be taken into account to ensure that the double glazing windows are properly cleaned. However, due to the technical and complicated nature of these windows, sometimes you might be required to call a professional. If so, make sure the right maintenance company is hired. This can be done by considering factors such as reputation, customer reviews, staff training, and customer service.