Current State of Afghanistan ‘Less Bad Than I Would Have Predicted,’ Says Foreign Policy Expert

The condition of Afghanistan is not as bad as it had been expected to be before. Now that we are in the present and seeing the things unravel before our eyes, we can say that maybe there is a little bit of hope.

Brookings Institute senior fellow Michael O’Hanlon came up and told the media that there had been bad things going on in Afghanistan and that there is obviously “no cause for celebration,” but things are better than what was expected. We see that the current state of Afghanistan is not as bad as he predicted.

Current State of Afghanistan 'Less Bad Than I Would Have Predicted,’ Says Foreign Policy Expert

The prediction would come and be given almost a while ago. So the best thing to see is that the situation might not be like what was thought one month after the Taliban seized power and Kabul fell.

“There has really not been as many as nearly as much killing as I would have predicted in the country of Afghanistan. Speaking of which, a country where the Taliban and the government were at odds for so long … I expected that there would be a lot more revenge killing going on given the history of the Taliban and their behavioral patterns,” O’Hanlon said this in an interview that he had on Wednesday, “I have to obviously say and also point out the fact that, its less bad than what I would have predicted will be happening one month after the Taliban rule started by overtaking Kabul.”

Though there is less violence in the country, but that doesn’t mean that there is no problem that is going on. There is a lot of problems with the Taliban rule. The humanitarian rule had been taking on for the people of Afghanistan. People are scared and they are rightly so.

The United Nations have also made the statement that if nothing is done then one million Afghanistan children would starve to death in a year. The situation is truly dire and there is a lot that needs to be done soon. So what comes next? We can only just wait and watch from a distance.