Super Easy Tool to Edit PDF Files Review – CocoDoc

PDF files are commonly used in academia and also in business. An application that can effectively work with files is important and you may need them installed in your software toolbox. Individuals who need to edit PDF files have a variety of options to choose from.

There exists both free and paid software which one can choose from depending on their preference of choice. Free software might not have all the functionality compared to the paid ones but the available functionality is good since it can suit your needs. In this article, we are going to discuss a super easy tool to edit PDF files from CocoDoc.

The most suitable PDF editor is CocoDoc. It comes with various functions and it’s free. CocoDoc PDF editor is a free online application. It has functionalities such as creating, viewing, print, manipulating, and managing files in portable document format. It has a user-friendly interface and guarantees security for all the documents uploaded.

Super Easy Tool to Edit PDF Files Review - CocoDoc


Purpose of CocoDoc PDF editor

The main functions of CocoDoc are viewing, creating, and editing PDF documents and are also available on the cocoDoc website. Get started now with the most convenient PDF editing tool. The guidelines on how to use the software are provided. CocoDoc has the capability of importing documents and image formats then saving them as PDF.

Besides CocoDoc can also import an output scanner to fill out forms, contents of windows clipboard, and a website. Once a PDF document has been created, it’s very hard for the document to be edited but the CocoDoc PDF editor provides the functionality of modifying the contents of any paragraph.

Furthermore, CocoDoc can crop PDF pages, manipulate hyperlinks, change their order, convert a document in PDF, sign a PDF file, delete some parts of the PDF file, and add comments.

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Security mechanism provided by CocoDoc PDF editor

The CocoDoc PDF editor has included JavaScript which allows the PDF documents to accommodate a code that performs when the document is read. Malicious PDF files can be attached to links on webpages or disbursed as email attachments. Keep in mind JavaScript doesn’t have straight access to the file system to make it safe.

Security mechanism provided by CocoDoc PDF editor

CocoDoc PDF editor programs have reported various cases of abuse of vulnerability found in JavaScript through the distribution of malicious codes. CocoDoc PDF editor has been architectured with top-notch privacy. This means that no malware or suspected fraud can be conducted on any PDF document that has been edited using this PDF editing tool. 

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Availability of CocoDoc PDF editor

CocoDoc PDF editor is available both as free software or the premium one that has monthly charges depending on the levels of security strength provided by CocoDoc. The software can be accessed through the CocoDoc website where clear guidelines and instructions are provided making it easy to use.

CocoDoc PDF editor is easy to use since it has clear menus on every click you make. It is readily available online which helps the users with various functions such as editing PDF documents and creating PDF documents. All you need is a computer and internet connection to be able to access this online PDF editing tool.