5 Emerging Benefits and Uses of Chicory Root Fiber

Chicory root is obtained from the plant Cichorium intybus, which has brilliant blue blooms.

The addition of fibres to cereals, breads, and other items is commonplace thanks to its widespread use. This root produces inulin, a water-soluble fibre that can be consumed by the body. Because it is indigestible, it is also utilised as a nutritional supplement or as a substitute for fat and sugar non processed foods.

In addition to this, in France, Japan, and portions of the United States, it is used as a substitute for coffee because of its similar colour and flavour.



Chicory Root Fiber Has 5 Newly Discovered Uses and Benefits

Chicory Root Fiber has the following advantages and uses. Do yourself a favour and check it out!

1. Inulin

‘Prebiotic’ refers to a nutrient that feeds the good bacteria in the gut, which reduces inflammation, increases mineral absorption, and protects against microorganisms that are harmful to the body.

We can benefit from the prebiotic characteristics. Inulin can be found in chicory root. Water-soluble fibre passes through the digestive system undigested. An oligosaccharide made up of chains of fructose molecules is called a fructooligosaccharide (FOS).

With its creamy texture, it’s a great complement to frozen treats like ice cream and yoghurt. Inulin can also be found in foods like onion and garlic, which are both high in sulphur compounds.

2. Facilitates the Transit of Faeces

Because it cannot be digested, inulin helps gut health by encouraging the growth of good microorganisms. It can treat constipation and other digestive problems. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in relieving pain.

Adding chicory fibre to the diet boosted bowel movements significantly in a four-week study of 44 persons with constipation. There is still much to learn about fibre from studies based on the supplemental forms of chicory inulin.

3. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

It has been shown that chicory can postpone or even prevent the onset of diabetes. Inulin encourages the growth of microorganisms in the intestines that facilitate the breakdown of carbs into simple sugars. Chicoric acid and chlorogenic acid, which are found in it, help to improve insulin sensitivity.

If you’re trying to lower your blood sugar levels, chicory is a better option than sugary foods like sugary drinks. Processed meals and baked goods can benefit from the use of a specific form of inulin as a substitute for sugar.

This form of inulin has also been shown to improve blood sugar levels in women with type 2 diabetes, according to a number of studies.bChicory root fibre is still being studied for its potential health benefits.

4. Helps Burn Calories and Lose Weight

In terms of weight reduction or management, the varied qualities of chicory root fibre are obvious. In the first place, it went through the intestines undigested, resulting in the sensation of satiety without the addition of additional calories.

As a sugar alternative, it reduces the amount of calories that come from sugar, which is one of the leading causes of obesity.

In overweight people, a daily dose of chicory reduced weight by a significant amount, according to the results of numerous studies. As with inulin, chicory contains fructooligosaccharide, a type of fructooligosaccharide related to inulin, which has been shown to alleviate hunger pangs.

Chicory root fibre is not the focus of these studies; rather, some oligofructose supplements are.

5. As a Dietary Supplement

Unintentionally, chicory root fibre can be found in a wide variety of meals, such as bars, cereals, and other packaged goods.

As a result of its mild sweetness, chicory is commonly used as a sugar or fat substitute in the food business. Maintaining regular levels of sugar in the body helps to reduce calories.

Onion and garlic, for example, are good sources. As a vegetable, it is sometimes boiled and cooked. It is also suitable for usage in the private sphere of the home.

Chicory root, a herbal substitute to coffee, has already been proposed. There is also the possibility of using it to make beverages. Extraction of the chicory root can also be used as a supplement. This can be found at pharmacies and on the internet through various websites.

Possible Negative Reactions

Chicory is good when drunk in moderation, however excessive use might cause stomach issues. People who are sensitive to gas and bloating may also experience abdominal soreness, intestinal noises, burp, and flatulence.

Consult your doctor before using this product if you are a woman, as it can induce excessive menstrual flow (emmenagogue) or miscarriage. Daisies, marigolds, or other types of the flower may cause allergy-like symptoms in those who are allergic to them.

Processed goods may contain chicory that has been tainted by the addition of artificial sweeteners or chemical modification. Chicory should only be consumed in moderation to avoid health problems.

Preparation and Dosage

The usual dose of inulin, according to research, is between 5 and 10 grammes. The leaves, buds, and roots of chicory can be cooked and consumed like vegetables. By roasting and adding 2 tablespoons to brewed coffee, you can make your own cup of joe.

1 cup of water (240 ml). The flavour and colour are very similar. Premade forms can be found at grocery stores, both individually and as part of other products.


The chicory plant, which is related to the dandelion family, is the source of chicory root. Inulin, a soluble and indigestible fibre, accounts for 68 percent of its dry weight.

A number of health benefits, such as improved gut health, have been found to be associated with this supplement. Bowel movements and blood sugar levels can be regulated with the use of this supplement. Food manufacturers employ it as a fat and sugar alternative, which aids in weight loss.

It can be found in a supplement, vegetable, coffee, or other food source. In order to avoid side effects like gas or bloating, the dosage should be kept at a reasonable level.