Blackheads : Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Blackheads are those small, dark-colored bumps that sometimes appear on the skin. Many of you may have had them or currently have them (of course, because of their surface which appears dark-colored or black colored).

Blackheads can affect the face, but they can also appear on the back, neck, arms, shoulders, and chest. I believe that almost everyone will experience this problem at some point in their lives.

Please contact us if you are also dealing with blackheads and are looking for a solution. Let’s get started with this article, which explains what blackheads are, what causes them, and how to get rid of them.


The dermal layer of our skin becomes clogged with mild acne, resulting in blackheads. Melanin, a pigment made by our skin cells, is the primary source of our skin colour. The darker our skin, the more melanin we have.

Melanin pigment is present in blackheads, but it is an oxidised form of the pigment. How, I’m sure you’re thinking? As it turns out, our skin is composed of several layers, and the dermal layer, which is the most superficial, contains pores from which hair grows.

Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands (oil glands) located just below the hair follicles. Hair follicles and sebum clog skin pores, and when the sebum is exposed to air, it oxidises, resulting in blackheads.

Acne and blackheads affect nearly 50 million Americans, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. There are more hair follicles in areas of the body other than the face where blackheads can be found, such as the neck, shoulders, arms, and back.

They appear as small bumps on the skin around the corner of the nose, below one’s lip or on one’s back. In order to identify blackheads, look at the following picture:


Where Do Blackheads Come From?

Blackheads can be caused by a variety of factors. Let’s take a look at them:

Blackheads can be caused by a variety of factors, some of which increase your risk of getting them while others may be the cause in the first place.

Hair follicles and sebaceous glands both secrete oil through pores in our skin, making it soft. The most common cause of dry skin is clogged or plugged pores.

Blackheads are formed when an undeveloped hair follicle and sebum clog pores, causing them to turn black when they come into contact with the air.

Whiteheads are formed when these clogged pores are covered with cells, but if the cells are not present, the air can get in and the pore oxidises, resulting in blackheads.

Blackheads are caused by a variety of factors, including ageing and hormonal changes. Acne, pimples, and boils are common during puberty, but this isn’t always the case for every individual.

In puberty, the production of Androgen (the male sex hormone) increases, which in turn causes the skin pores to produce more sebum oil, resulting in the formation of blackheads.

Blackheads can also be caused by hormonal changes in women, such as those caused by puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or the use of birth control pills. Blackheads can be the result of a skin cell overproduction.

Insignificant factors that contribute to the development of blackheads include:

  • Our skin pores are blocked by excessive use of cosmetics or clothing.
  • When our sebaceous glandsare stimulated to secrete more oil as a result of excessive sweating, we get acne.
  • Open hair follicles by excessive shaving or other skin care activities.
  • Skin pores are covered by dirt or sweat in a high-humidity or greasy/dirty environment.
  • PCOS, stress, or PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or menopause, as well as certain medications that cause rapid skin cell formation or turnover, all involve hormonal imbalances.
  • Steroid-based drugs like corticosteroids, lithium, or androgens are commonly used.
    Acne is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria.

Blackheads Can Cause a Range of Problems

As the name suggests, blackheads are merely a mild form of acne that turns black when exposed to the elements, which is why they are referred to as “blackheads.”

Small, black bumps or lesions on the skin are the most common sign of blackheads, and they are easy to spot. Inflammatory, painless and causing no discomfort, they are ideal for those with sensitive skin.

Flatter but still slightly raised compared to pimples, these spots are less noticeable. Some people experience social and psychological difficulties as a result of blackheads due to the change in appearance.

Blackheads and sebaceous filaments are two different things, despite the fact that many people confuse them. Blackheads and sebaceous filaments look alike at first glance, but upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that the latter are flatter, smaller, and more frequently found in clusters.

Most of sebaceous glands’ primary function is directing oil through the pores.

Avoiding Blackheads: Tips and Tricks

There is no need for a dermatologist to tell you how to deal with your blackheads. Home remedies are acceptable, but we should proceed with caution because certain activities or skincare routines can exacerbate existing problems or even cause a more severe form of acne or pimple.

There are a lot of conflicting information out there about blackheads and their treatment, so I think it’s important for each of us to figure out what works best for our skin and what works best for treating blackheads in a promising way.

Preventing Blackheads with These Tips

To avoid blackheads, here are a few things you can do.

1. Wash Your Hands Often

Everyone should have a simple skincare routine that includes washing their face in the morning and at night before bed to remove excess oil and dirt from their skin.

Washing the face more than twice a day can cause dryness, irritation, and even worsen acne (if present) because it removes too much oil from the skin, which can lead to dryness, irritation, and even worsen acne (oil secreted to keep our skin gentle).

Washing your face with a mild and gentle cleanser at least twice a day can help prevent dryness and inflammation of the skin. Acne cleansing products with antibacterial ingredients are available.

Keep in mind that if you have an oily scalp, you may want to wash your face every day as well to avoid clogged pores, as well as wash your face after eating something oily like pizza or a cheeseburger.

2. Cleansing

When it comes to keeping your skin healthy, regular cleansing is the most fundamental and crucial step. It’s possible to keep your skin clean and free of dirt and oil by using mild exfoliating products and cleansers.

Buying products that are fragrance-free, alcohol/paraben/SLS-free, and suitable for your skin type (dry, sensitive, oily, or combination) are all important considerations.

As a general rule, the goal is to get rid of excess oils from the skin and reduce excessive oil production without causing any dryness, irritation, or redness because this could lead to an even worse situation.

You can also buy products from online stores, such as

3. Avoid Using Oil-Containing Products

As you’ve probably already figured out, using products that contain little to no oil reduces the likelihood of blackheads forming.

Non-comedogenic makeup, lotions, sunscreen, and other oil-free products can help keep your blackheads from getting any worse.

4. Cosmetics and Makeup

Even so, there are ways to keep your skin healthy and clean, and one of them is to use no or minimal makeup when necessary. However, if you need to wear makeup every day, stick to the non-comedogenic options.

Non-comedogenic products, in contrast to other types of cosmetics, do not obstruct or clog skin pores; on the contrary, they work to keep them open and clear while also reducing the accumulation of dead skin cells. You can easily find non-comedogenic products online.

5. Try an Exfoliating Product! 

To avoid blackheads, it is important to use exfoliating products such as face scrubs or face masks to remove dirt, excess oil, and dead skin cells from the face and body.

Do not overdo it when exfoliating your skin because this can cause irritation and redness. You can exfoliate once a week or twice a week depending on your preference. To prevent any problems, it’s important to use exfoliating products that are appropriate for your skin type.

6. Preconditions for Success

The person should consider treating their other skin conditions, such as eczema or rosacea, before dealing with their acne or blackheads. Blackheads can be difficult to treat if you have skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.

As a result, if one has a serious skin condition (such as blackheads or acne), it is best to treat it before going under the knife.

7. Relaxation and Sleep

Because stress can cause excessive sebum production, it’s possible that stress and lack of sleep are to blame for the appearance of blackheads. Relaxation techniques such as exercise, yoga, and meditation can help alleviate the symptoms of stress.

[Stress-relieving activities such as painting, dancing, and crafting can be found in many hobbies.]

8. What You Eat

If you want to get rid of blackheads, you may want to avoid certain foods like pizza, fries, and chocolates, although this has not been scientifically proven.

It is essential to eat an adequate amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to maintain a healthy weight and general well-being. This treatment may also aid in preventing the spread of bacteria to skin lesions or acne.

What Not to Do If You Want to Avoid Blackheads

Blackhead can be difficult to avoid because of hormonal changes or triggers if I may say, but there are other factors/practices that can make it even worse. You can tell us about them here:

1. Squeezing

You should avoid squeezing your blackheads because this can cause skin irritation. So, even with a metal blackhead remover, avoid squeezing blackheads (or hands).

2. Steaming

Despite the fact that steaming can open blocked pores and be used to treat blackheads, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Steaming can be helpful for some people, but it can also make things worse for others.

3. Cleaning

In addition to being one of the most popular methods for dealing with blackheads, this method can actually worsen the problem. The sebaceous glands produce even more sebum when you scrub your skin, resulting in clogged pores, blocked pores, and an increased risk of acne inflammation.

4. Abolitionists

Preventing blackheads with strips, masks, or vacuums is an option, but it should be used cautiously to avoid skin damage and irritation.

5. Beauty Products

Avoid products with too much oil in them, as this can cause blackheads to form.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide 

In spite of the fact that this is a well-known remedy for acne, it is important to keep in mind that dryness and irritability may result from its use. Humidity and clothing that is too tight should also be avoided.

How Do You Treat Blackheads?

To reduce the appearance of blackheads, try one of the following methods:

1. Over-the-counter (OTC) 

In this type of treatment, medication is applied directly to the skin in the form of creams, facewash, gel, and pads. In most cases, these medications contain Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic Acid, and Resorcinol.

As a result, these ingredients reduce blackheads by killing bacteria and drying/removing excess oil from the skin, as well as forcing skin to exfoliate more frequently.

Acne medications containing these ingredients are widely available at local drugstores and supermarkets, as well as on the internet.

There are two types of prescription drugs:

Your dermatologist will likely prescribe you a stronger medication if OTC treatment doesn’t work for your blackheads, such as Accutane.

To help prevent hair follicle plug formation and promote rapid skin cell turnover, these stronger medications contain Vitamin A. Vitamin A is not the only ingredient in these medications; they also include tretinoin, tazarotene, and adapalene, which are all applied directly to the skin.

If you suffer from pimples and blackheads, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide as topical medications.

2. Manually Removing

Using a special instrument known as a round hoop extractor, a small opening is first made in the plug or clogged pore, and the plug or clog is then extracted by applying pressure.

Avoid any complications by having this performed by a dermatologist or other qualified skincare professional only.

3. Microdermabrasion

Using a specialised instrument, a dermatologist or other skincare professional can only perform this procedure. In order to get rid of the clog that causes blackheads, this instrument has a rough surface.

4. Chemical Peels

As the name suggests, this procedure involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, letting it dry, and then peeling it off. To reveal the soft, clear skin beneath after a chemical solution is applied, the skin is peeled back.

When it comes to chemical peels, mild peels are available over-the-counter, while strong peels should only be performed by a dermatologist or skincare professional.

5. Therapy

A laser or light beams are used to penetrate the dermal layer to target blackheads, which are then exposed to tiny beams of intense/strong light (laser or light beam) that reduce oil production or kill acne-causing bacteria. There is no harm done to the top layer of skin with this treatment.


Skin lesions that are small, bumpy, and dark in colour are known as blackheads because they are caused by clogged hair follicles and sebum that become oxidised when exposed to air, thus earning the name “blackheads.” The face, neck, shoulders, and arms are all common places for blackheads to show up.

Keep your skin healthy and free of blackheads by washing it twice daily, keeping it clean and thoroughly cleansed, using skin-type-appropriate products for cleansing, and avoiding products, clothing, or food that may cause blackheads.

In order to get rid of blackheads, you can use a variety of methods, both at home and in the clinic.